Song: Hamro Chitwan..
Singer/Lyrics/Music: Tula Parbat
Arranger: Debendra Newa
Mixing: Prakash K.C
Studio: Dreams Studio
Company: Widescreen Media
Model: Tula Parbat/Prasamsa Poudel
Camera: Umong Shahi(2k)
Edit: Bharat Regmi
Concept: Tula Parbat
Director: Sanjay Ghimire
"Hamro Chitwan" Is most dedicated song by Tula Parbat. He has beautifully described our Nation beauty and his feeling through this song. Most of this video is shot in Patihani Chitwan, The place where he was born..Though he lives in abroad , he has keep alive his love to our country Nepal through his musical journey.